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Grade Level 8 + 9

The Overture level will challenge students by increasing the complexity of structure and style in the students’ writing. Students will write essays. The students will choose the topics of their essays. The students will write an informational essay and a persuasive essay. Students will work through each step of creating an essay throughout the modules. Throughout the level, students would continue developing stronger writing skills while creating OFFs using varied sources texts of their choice. They will have a grammar practice each week and opportunities to use our unique writing tools to learn how to best express themselves in their writing. This level runs more as an on-going workshop with instructional support, more than earlier levels. This level requires consistent student participation.

Overture Student Writing Example

Course Prerequisites: None

Each of the eight modules contains four lessons. Student-specific feedback will be provided during every lesson.

Course Logistics:

  • Class Sessions: 60 minutes
  • Each Module: $300
  • 4 module packages are 20% off, $960 for 16 classes

Please see our FAQ page for more details.

Focus: Students will be challenged by increasing the complexity of structure and style in their writing while focusing on writing original essays from writing prompts and research topics (e.g., narrative, research, expository, etc.).

*Please note: If a refund is requested prior to the completion of all modules in a package, the discounted amount will be deducted from the refund total.